Thursday, November 14, 2013

Decluttering to See God


"But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

Amongst so many things to do, so much stuff, and so much on our to do lists, we forget what matters most. So many layers are piled onto each day that it's hard to dig out of. God is first---let's start with Him then add what is necessary. Technology and so much connectedness, easy access to shopping and more and more stuff and we are more cluttered inside and out than ever. Amongst all we have to do each day, let us take time to strip away everything and remember that it is God we need to seek first. Our days cannot fall into the perfect order God has if we do not stop to seek the One who matters most.

Seek first the kingdom and God reveals what is really important and it fills us up. The clutter only covers what will really fulfill us. It is falsely gratifying with an immediate fix of feeling we are part of the loop and "keeping up." The things we are keeping up with in this life will pass away. We need to keep up with God and find His peace.

“Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.”
Augustine of Hippo

We keep up with so much out of a "fear of missing out" syndrome. We think we will miss something great if we don't keep up here, there and everywhere. But we are missing out on God. Can you remember all the things you feared missing out on from last week? The truth is probably not.  Don't live a whole life with a fear of missing out on the world, and miss out on God. Strip everything else away and start with God. He will help us to rebuild with what is important. Our hearts, our minds, our families and our peace.

Missing real moments of the life God has given us because we are posting pictures on instagram and facebook to our virtual life, is it really important or do we just want to be seen and heard? We are more exhausted than ever and we think it's just the way it is. When we stop to look objectively can we see how much are we doing to perfection that God hasn't even asked us to take on? God doesn't want us to live our life in our own self induced exhaustion. Maybe we need to have a "stop doing" list instead of a "to do" list? There will always be more to be done. We can't constantly live the frantic pace of running in the hamster wheel. It's important to stop somewhere and reevaluate---to ask God what it is He has for us, what He desires for our days to look like.

God didn't do it all in one day.  What makes me think I can?  ~Author Unknown

While there are trying times of life, and seasons that are more tiring and difficult than others, God doesn't desire His children to live a frenzied pace of life. He knows when we live like that it's hard for us to listen to Him. He provides our shelter and our peace and His living water is enough. He is a God who set up His order for us because it is for our good. "Seek first the kingdom..." is not a suggestion, but a command so that our life will have greater peace and our days are lived with meaning and purposeful intent. God knows what is best, and His paths lead to life. Let us trust enough to say no to the paths that lead to clutter and frustration, even if everyone else seems to be walking it.

The world's yoke is heavy and it's burdens hard. If in our daily life we have piled too much onto ourselves that is not from God and we feel like we are always spinning out of control then this is not the burden God has laid on us. Trust God that when He lays out His plans for you you will feel His peace and rest in your soul.  "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:29

Prayer: Lord, I've put too much on my shoulders that you never asked me to carry. It seems I can't dig out most days and that I am stuck. But show me what stays and what goes God, show me what path I should walk each day and that it is enough. Show me that your peace is normal and that a frenzied pace is not of you. thank you for being a God who will show me how to live my life according to your plan that will be satisfied and filled with you. Amen. 

"And He said to them, Come away by yourselves to a lonely place and rest a while. For there were many people coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat." Mark 

"Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives, do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful." John 14:27

And He said, "My presence shall go with you, and I will give you rest." Exodus 33:14 


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